Atlantic Area Training Workshop

Atlantic Area Training Workshop in Tullamore Co Offaly

Our First Level Control Team hosted an Atlantic Area Training Workshop in Tullamore Co Offaly on Wednesday 24th July 2019. The target audience was partners approved for funding in Atlantic Area Programme first and second calls. The aim of the workshop was to provide clarity on Eligibility Rules and to de-mystify the claim preparation and submission process. This event was well attended by partners from all of Ireland. Partner organisations represented were for both public and private sector organisations, (local authorities, universities, BIC’s, Institutes of Technology and government departments) and proved to be a very interactive session.

Download the Documetation from the Workshop

UK First Level Controllers training on “Atlantic Area” Programme platform (SIGI)
Atlantic Area Eligibility Rules
Claim Preparation and Supporting Documents
Attribution and distribution of profiles

Sample Transaction List Atlantic Area

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