EIST Implementation Plans

ESO4.1 Improving access to employment and activation measures of all jobseekers, in particular young people, especially though the Implementation of the Youth Guarantee, long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups on the Labour Market, and of inactive people, as well as through the promotion of self-employment and the social economy. 

ESO4.6  Providing equal access to and completion of quality and inclusive education and training to tertiary level as well as adult education and learning including facilitating learning mobility for all and accessibility for persons with a disability. 

ESO4.7  Promoting lifelong learning in particular flexible upskilling and reskilling opportunities for all,  taking into account entrepreneurial and digital skills, better anticipating change and new skills requirements based on labour market needs, facilitating career transitions and promoting professional mobility. 

ESO4.8 Fostering active inclusion with a view to promoting equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and active participation, and improving employability, in particular for disadvantaged groups.


ESO4.12 Promoting social integration of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including the most deprived persons and children

ESO4.13 Addressing material deprivation.