This week in Galway Technology Centre (GTC), 21 leading professional from various sectors across the Northern & Western Region of Ireland commenced their EU Studies Programme.
This programme designed by the Northern & Western Regional Assembly and delivered in conjunction with GTC and The Irish College, Leuven, is geared to upskilling senior staff members across the region in the European Union Structures and Funding possibilities.
The course was delivered by Mr. David Grant, CEO of the Irish College, Leuven, who is widely acknowledged as a leading expert in the field of the European Union and Funding Streams.
Following the initial lectures, the participants will travel to Brussels, the epicentre of European Union institutions, to continue their exposure to the EU funding possibilities for the region.
In Brussels. the group will receive further tuition from Mr. Paul Webber, EU Funding Specialist, and also get the opportunity to visit some of the key EU Institution, such as The Commission, The Parliament and The Committee of the Regions.
According to Mr. Brendan Mooney, EU Programmes Executive, “This course is to help facilitate our regional stakeholders maximise all EU Funding possibilities; in a post Brexit environment, EU funding and our connection to the other member states will be more important than ever and we must ensure our peripherality as a region can be seen as a positive to partnerships across the Union”
The course will finish in January 2020, but the benefits of this collaborating will be seen long into the future of the Region.