S&E ROP 2014-2020

The Programme focus is on specific growth opportunities ans sectors identified in Ireland’s smart specialisation strategy to build on the S&E region’s strengths.

The Programme has invested in the S&E region under five priority areas:

  • Strengthening RTDI
  • ICT Infrastructure
  • SME Supports
  • Low Carbon Economy
  • Sustainable Urban Development  

The Programme aims to complement wider investment programmes in targeted high growth and innovative sectors to support the creation of new quality jobs, boost innovation, increase licenses granted, as well as helping to grow the local economies in the Southern & Eastern region of Ireland.

This is the third Regional Programme for the S&E Region and all have been managed by the Southern Regional Assembly.

The Southern & Eastern (S&E) Regional Programme 2014-20 is a funding package of approx. €500 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Irish Exchequer.