Ability Programme

The Ability Programme provides funding to local, regional and national projects that focus on bringing young people with disabilities between the ages of 15 and 29 closer to the labour market.

The programme targets young people who are not currently work-ready using a range of person-centred supports. This type of work assists young people to identify and follow progression routes based on both their potential and their needs.

The objectives of Ability are to:

  • Assist young people with disabilities to develop the confidence and independence required to participate in education, training, employment.
  • Assist young people with disabilities at key transition points between education, training and employment.
  • Support young people with disabilities who are not in education, employment or training to access and participate in education, training, and employment.
  • Build the capacity of mainstream employment services, education and training providers to support the progression of young people with disabilities.
  • Build the capacity of employers to recruit and retain young people with disabilities within their workforce.

Further details about the Ability Programme can be found on https://www.pobal.ie/programmes/ability-programme/