What is the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived?

The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived supports EU countries’ actions to provide material assistance (including food and clothing) to the most deprived.

€3.8 billion will be made available by the European Union via the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived between 2014 and 2020. Countries will have to match this with a minimum of 15% national funding.

In Ireland, The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived supports activities that provide aid to the poorest and most deprived people in our society. These activities are funded through the national Food and/or Basic Material Assistance Operational Programme.

Countries implement and deliver programmes with partner organisations with each country deciding the type of assistance it will provide (food or other materials or a combination of both). Countries can either purchase food and goods themselves and supply these directly to charities, or provide funds to the charities to do this themselves.


How does it work?

The Department of Social Protection is responsible for the implementation of the Food and/or Basic Material Assistance Operational Programme in Ireland and processes all applications from ‘not for profit’ organisations who work with those in need of assistance.

The support will help people take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. The Food and/or Basic Material Assistance Operational Programme will help the most deprived people by addressing one of their most basic needs.

FEAD Funding Infographic €26.7 Million total 2014-2020