Construction Sector

On 9 June 2010, the EGF Managing Authority submitted an application to the EGF in respect of certain workers made redundant in the construction sector. The initial application was subsequently divided into three applications covering workers in three specific sub-sectors of the construction industry. These three applications were submitted to the EGF on 22 February 2011.

Combined, the three applications sought support for almost 9,000 construction workers and apprentices made redundant between 1 July 2009 and 31 March 2010 in the following sectors:

The eligible redundant construction workers were identified based on evidence of statutory redundancy payments with data from the apprenticeship database held by FÁS providing the basis for identifying eligible redundant apprentices.

The three applications were approved by the EU on 14 November 2011. The three programmes ran until 9 June 2012. Among the services and programmes provided for eligible workers were:

  • career guidance supports;
  • training courses delivered by FÁS, including both on and off-the-job apprenticeship training to allow redundant apprentices to progress their apprenticeships;
  • EGF Training Grants where a particular training or education course cannot be delivered by a public institution but can be provided by the private sector;
  • further education supports delivered by Vocational Education Committees and,
  • enterprise and self-employment advice and guidance support delivered by County and City Enterprise Boards.

A dedicated EGF Construction Contact Unit provided information and advice to EGF-eligible construction workers regarding their entitlement to supports funded by the EGF.

Final reports for the 3 construction sector programmes were submitted to the European Commission in June 2012 and can be accessed below:

Summary reports and labour market outcome tables of all 3 construction sector programmes are set out below: