Inform EU Network of Communication Officers

The fifth plenary meeting of the Inform EU Network of Communication Officers took place in Ostrava, Czechia from 14th until 16 November. The meeting focused on data, transparency, and communication. INFORM EU is an EU-wide network of communication officers responsible for communicating EU and Member State investments under shared management covering several EU funds.

Throughout the course of the conference a series presentations were delivered by academics, researchers, and members of the EU Commission Directorate General. Topics covered included

  • Contextualising Social Developments with Communications Research
  • Results of the Eurobarometer 2023
  • The 2024 European Elections as a Communications Challenge.
  • How to communicate Data effectively.

In addition to the above, fund specific meetings took place to provide Communications Officers across Member States with the opportunity to exchange information and share best practice for communicating their relevant EU Fund.

Country mixers allowed officers from across Member States to collaborate on assignments that were focused on data presentation.

Project visits were arranged to demonstrate EU Funds investment in the Ostrava Region. 

The conference concluded on 16 November with an address from Ivan Bartós, Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development, of Czechia.

The Regiostars 2023 Ceremony took place following the Deputy Prime Minister’s address. The annual end celebrates the best of European co-funded Projects throughout the regions of Member States.  Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, EC Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms presented the awards to 30 finalists selected in six different categories.

A banner for Inform EU, with a teal background. The European Commission logo and Czechian flag are above the words "Inform EU" which is in white text. To the left of these is a line drawing of someone holding a microphone, with a white silhouette of another person holding a microphone and gesturing with their other hand. 
In a section below this on a white background are the words "Plenary Meeting, 14-16 November 2023, Ostravia, Czechia".

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