New Futures Programme

Louise Finnegan at the New Futures Graduation Speaker 2019

One Family’s New Futures Programme supports and enables women who are parenting alone and economically inactive to take advantage of training and development opportunities.

Louise Finnegan is a lone parent to four daughters. Having completed a number of community based courses in the past, Louise decided to participate in New Futures with One Family in 2017. Louise knew she wanted to return to education; describing herself as motivated
but lacking confidence. Louise knew she wanted to have a career working in the community but didn’t know where to start.

New Futures gave Louise the opportunity to explore her natural strengths and abilities and discover what career path she wanted to follow. By availing of the one to one support Louise persevered and overcame challenges along the way. In September 2018 Louise enrolled in the Access Foundation Programme with Dublin Institute of Technology. Louise graduated from the Programme with distinctions in May 2019.

This year Louise was a panel speaker at the AONTAS International Women’s Day Policy Event and was also was invited to attend an
Awareness and Guidance Peer Learning Activity in Luxemburg. Louise shared her personal experience of returning to education. She spoke about the transformative effect of adult learning and the power it has had in building her self-confidence and recognising her ability.

In June 2019 Louise was the keynote speaker at the New Futures Graduation ceremony. Louise encouraged New Futures graduates to continue taking the support from their key worker as they transition on their journey into education and employment.

“Start with little steps, take the positive from every situation because there is learning in everything you do and take the support from your key worker” Louise Finnegan

Louise is currently undertaking a level 8 degree programme in Social Care at the Technological University Dublin.

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