North-West Europe Task Force agrees on draft Interreg NWE 2021-2027 programme

Interreg North-West Europe formally started the process aimed at designing a new programme (2021-2027) at the end of 2019. An Interreg NWE task force (NTF) made of delegations from each country involved in the future NWE Programme was launched and has, since then, worked on developing the Interreg Programme (IP) for North-West Europe to be submitted to the European Commission for feedback and approval.

At last NTF meeting on 6 October 2021, Member state representatives agreed on a draft Interreg Programme (27 Oct 2021 version), including five priorities and nine specific objectives for the future NWE Programme to focus on.

This draft Interreg Programme is the outcome of discussions within the NTF and its dedicated working groups, which have based themselves on the Interreg Regulation for the 2021-2027 period and the SWOT analysis for the future programme carried out by a consortium of external consultants. It will also include input from the NWE Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and the feedback submitted to the NWE Programme via its stakeholder consultation.

Please note that the information provided in this document may still substantially change following feedback and further discussions that may take place with the concerned parties, namely the North-West Europe Task Force and the European Commission.

The NTF now aims at reaching a formal agreement with the Member States involved in the NWE Programme by the end of 2021 and to officially submit the final Interreg Programme to the European Commission for approval in January 2022. The EC will then assess the document and is expected to formally approve the Interreg North-West Europe Programme (2021-2027) by Summer 2022.