EURES: Ciara’s Story

EURES Ireland

EURES Ireland is currently implementing the ‘Experience Your Europe’ (EYE) programme under the Youth Guarantee Initiative. One element of this programme is the Co-Sponsored Placement programme. The programme supports young jobseekers aged 18-30 in taking up a work placement in Europe for up to 12 months. During this time the jobseeker will be co-sponsored by EURES Ireland and the Employer offering the work placement.

EURES Ireland has, to date, worked successfully with companies in the Digital Media, Animation, Construction and Hospitality sectors in the placement, upskilling and provision of fulltime employment to participants of the programme.


EURES: Ciara’s Story

Ciara Shanahan EURES Participant holding wine in German bar
Ciara Shanahan

Ciara Shanahan was recruited to work in Europa Park in Germany with the support of EURES Ireland’s EYE Co-Sponsored Placement programme.

Europa Park is the largest theme park in Germany and the second most popular theme park resort in Europe, following Disneyland Paris. Ciara was recruited to work in the hospitality area where she is gaining lots of skills and is also receiving German Language Training as part of the placement.

“I have really enjoyed the move here from Ireland to Germany. I’m so grateful that I’ve been given this opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture and learn the language. I am here one month already and loving every second of it, I’ll never look back!

Thank you to EURES Ireland for giving me this chance to learn new skills and experiences that will help me to be successful in my new career.”

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