Programme Development

Programme Development

A Partnership Process Steering Group (PPSG) was established to assist and advise the programming authorities throughout the development process for the Partnership Agreement and the various Cohesion Policy Programmes for the period 2021 – 2027. The PPSG was chaired jointly by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Member State Authority for Ireland with overall responsibility for EU Cohesion Policy, and the ESF Managing Authority. The PPSG included representatives from the economic and social partners; relevant bodies representing civil society; environmental partners; non-governmental organisations; bodies promoting social inclusion; gender equality and non-discrimination and relevant Government Departments and agencies.

A Needs Analysis was conducted by Indecon Economic Consultants to provide the evidence base for the ESF+ EIST programme. The analysis undertaken included a review of the EU and national policy context, research on the baseline situation in relevant policy areas and a targeted stakeholder consultation process. The drafting of the Programme was also informed by the findings of a public consultation process that took place from July to September 2020.

Informed by these inputs, the following high-level themes were identified for the EIST Programme:

  • Access to employment, including for underrepresented groups
  • Increasing female labour market participation and enhancing access to affordable, quality childcare
  • Skills and lifelong learning for all, with a focus on the green and digital transition
  • Tackling poverty and social exclusion
  • Food and basic material assistance to the most deprived
  • Social innovation

The final needs analysis and consultation documents can be downloaded below.