Public Consultation on the 2014-2020 ESF and YEI

The Public Consultation for the ex-post evaluation of the 2014-2020 European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative is open until 9 January 2024.

This public consultation is an integral part of the evaluation of ESF funded operations. It seeks feedback from all stakeholders of the ESF in EU countries, as well as from the wider public. It aims to collect the views of people and organisations who were actual or potential beneficiaries of ESF support, as well as the views of the general public, regarding ESF. In particular, the evaluation aims to:

  • Assess the results of ESF and YEI support in 2014-2020;
  • Assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and EU added value of ESF actions, as well as look into their complementarity and coherence with other funds;
  • Provide lessons learned, which can be relevant for the implementation of ESF+ during the programming period 2021-2027;
  • Contribute to the design of future programmes beyond 2027.

The results of this consultation will inform the study supporting the ex-post evaluation of the 2014-2020 ESF/YEI, which will be completed by December 2024 and will be published on the website of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

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