SEUPB Announce €45m Funding for Youth Services

The Special EU Programmes Body has announced €45m (£38.5m) of funding for youth projects in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The money is the first to be awarded from PEACEPLUS, a new cross-border funding programme that is designed to support peace and prosperity across the region.

The funding will be used to support capacity building programmes for young people aged 14 to 24 who are disadvantaged, excluded or marginalised, have deep social and emotional needs and are at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour, violence or paramilitary activity.

The funding has been awarded to six projects, each made up of partners from across the sector. Together the projects will cover Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.

The funded projects are:

Youthscape Plus led by South West College

Journey led by Springboard Opportunities Limited

STRIVE led by Include Youth

E2T led by YMCA Ireland

HEROES+ led by Mencap

AMPLIFY led by Youth Action NI

Gina McIntyre CEO of the Special EU Programmes Body told us:

“We are delighted to be able to make this announcement today, especially at this time of the year and given the significant challenges which the youth sector has faced in recent years. The standard of applications was very high, and we are sorry we could not support every one. We are excited with these awards as we know what an enormous difference this investment will make to the lives of young people living across Northern Ireland and the border counties.”

This is the first round of PEACEPLUS funding to be awarded with more announcements due to follow in the new year. The total value of the PEACEPLUS Programme is over €1.14 billion. The Programme will support a wide range of sectors including health and social care, the environment, rural regeneration, smart towns and villages, and youth services.

PEACEPLUS is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body and is funded in partnership by the European Union, the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland and the Northern Ireland administration.

Commenting on the announcement,

Roderic O’Gorman TD, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (Ireland) told us:

“I am delighted by today’s significant announcement of funding for cross-community and cross-border youth projects under the PEACEPLUS Programme, the first such announcement under the new Programme.

I would like to extend my congratulations to the projects awarded. Each application demonstrated exceptional quality and will make a substantial impact on the lives of young people from all communities in Northern Ireland and the border region, supporting them to develop their capacities across a number of key outcome areas and to make a positive contribution to peace, prosperity, sustainable development and equality.”

Ian Snowden, Permanent Secretary at the Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland) said:

“The new Programme will build upon the success of Peace4Youth and support young people to form positive relationships with others from different communities and backgrounds. The programme’s additional focus on employability and support for progression will allow young people to develop skills that will help them to plan the next steps on their journey, whether that be to employment, education or training that supports the Department’s economic development strategy, 10x.”

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