ETB Training for the Unemployed

This activity provides a range of vocational training courses to meet the needs of the unemployed or other job seekers. They are broken down into three types of courses; Specific Skills Training, Traineeships and Bridging courses.


Specific Skills Training (SST)

These courses typically take 6 months full-time to complete and are designed to meet the needs of industry across a range of sectors leading to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a recognised external accredited body. Courses are available all year round to facilitate those entering the labour market for the first time and persons wishing to update or acquire new skills. Examples of courses include Computer Applications and Office Skills, Retail Skills, Health and Beauty, Business Administration, IT Security Management, Business Process Improvement and Manufacturing Operations.



Traineeships take from 4 to 9 months full-time to complete and provide occupation-specific training and integrate formal training and workplace coaching with a host employer. Courses are full time and are available all year round to facilitate those entering the labour market for the first time and persons wishing to up-date or acquire new skills. All programmes lead to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a recognised external accredited body. Examples include Beauty Therapist; Outdoor Activity Instructor; Business Systems Service Technician and Software Developer.


Bridging/Foundation courses

These courses are primarily developed and offered to facilitate access by learners to a mainline market-led course or entry-level employment. These courses may be short or long duration. They are generally accredited at levels 3 and 4 on the NFQ. These courses are aimed at individuals who are distant from the labour market, or who wish to return to employment or education and training after a long period of unemployment. These courses provide training interventions that emphasise personal development, career planning, and confidence-building as well as basic occupational/vocational skills.


Further information on these courses can be found by contacting your local ETB: