Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

SICAP’s vision is to improve the life chances and opportunities of those who are marginalised in society, living in poverty, or unemployed through community development approaches and targeted supports. SICAP aims to support people who are at a higher risk of social exclusion from disadvantaged groups and communities. Target groups include children and families in disadvantaged areas, lone parents, new communities, people living in disadvantaged areas, people with disabilities, Travellers, Roma, young unemployed living in disadvantaged areas, NEETs.

SICAP Goals:

  1. To support and resource disadvantaged communities and marginalised target groups to engage with relevant local and national stakeholders in identifying and addressing social exclusion and equality issues;
  2. To support individuals and marginalised target groups experiencing educational disadvantage so they can participate fully, engage with, and progress through life-long learning opportunities through the use of community development approaches;
  3. To engage with marginalised target groups/individuals and residents of disadvantaged communities who are unemployed but who do not fall within mainstream employment service provision, or who are referred to SICAP, to move them closer to the labour market and improve work readiness, and support them in accessing employment and self-employment and creating social enterprise opportunities.

Further information on SICAP can be found at: